My sister started a blog, inspired by this blog. So now I am inspired to post some of the blog-worthy stories that I've been accumulating.
Here's a quick one from work:
On a busy night shift the other week I found a minute to run to the break room and scarf a chicken salad sandwhich way too-fast before running into room 11 to see a guy who was suicidal. I grabbed his clipboard and rushed in and started taking notes while he gave a history. As I was looking down at the chart I noticed a HUGE glop of chicken salad right smack dab in the middle of my scrub-top between my boobs. The thing looked like I had been in a food fight and lost. I tilted the chart up to cover it and tried to play it off, but it was too late... I could see the guying staring at it.
"Um.... you have something on your shirt," he pointed out.
"Oh, yeah. That would be my chicken salad sandwhich. Sorry about that. I was going to wait until you finished and then try to make a joke about it. Let me just wipe it off." I grabbed a towel and removed the offensive glop.
"No problem." He laughed at me.
"If it makes you feel any better, I apparently can't even feed myself without causing an embarassing mess."
"Yeah," he started sounding more depressed, "But at least you can wipe your problem away."
I decided to move on and forget the glop, as this guy clearly had more important problems than my messy boobs. We finished the history, and I went to do a quick physical to medically clear him before admitting him to the psych floor. As I removed my stethoscope from around my neck I realized that the "diaphragm" (the part you put on the heart) had been dangling down near the chicken salad glop, so I grabbed an alcohol wipe and ripped it open to clean up the diaphragm before I put it on the guy.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" he screamed with an unusual level of angst.
"I'm cleaning the chicken salad off my stethoscope so I don't get it on you."
"Oh," he was immediately relieved. "I thought I was getting a shot when I saw the alcohol wipe."
"No, sorry. Just my embarassing mess again."
I got back to business, trying to salvage any ounce of respect this guy might have left for me. I quickly put the ear pieces of the stethoscope in my ear to move on with the exam.
"Eeewww. You're kidding me!" I shrieked. In my ear I could feel a big wet chunk of chicken salad. I had forgotten to clean off my end of the stethoscope, which had also been dangling down too close to the glop on my scrub-top (obviously).
The guy was speechless and just looked at me like I was a freak.
Wonderful. The pscyh patient thinks I'M crazy. "Sorry," I managed to mutter. "Don't mind me. Just a little chicken salad in my ear from my stethoscope."
He looked at me again in disbelief, probably waiting for the real doctor to walk in. His question spoke volumes -- "How long exactly have you been a doctor??"
I guess nothing wrecks a doctor-patient encounter like chicken salad on your boobs.