Monday, February 05, 2007

One-Toothed Wonder

Special Milestone: Graham got his first tooth one week ago today!

And not-so-swift Mom and Dad were not even the first ones to appreciate it. Graham’s note from day-care Monday night said, "Graham loved showing off his new tooth today." When I read it, my heart sank because no one is supposed to have to point it out to you that your own child got his first tooth.

Ironically, Dan and I had just discussed the night before that his tooth was working its way up. I had felt it there under his front lower gum a couple of days before, and then Sunday night Graham had a fit of inconsolable crying which is not like him at all. He went to sleep for the night only after Tylenol, so we figured that a little tooth was cutting through… but I guess neither one of us had clean hands at the time to be poking in his mouth. In my defense, I went to work Sunday night after he went to bed and didn’t even see him Monday morning. The tooth made its debut at day-care Monday, so the ladies at Goddard got to tell us about it, instead of the other way around.

Either way, Graham is proud as a peacock! Go, Graham, Go!

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