This morning I woke up in "mission control" (as Dan calls our bedroom, describing the 2 baby monitors, 2 alarm clocks, carbon monoxide detector, wireless weather station… not to mention TV, stereo, phone on each bedside table, and our computer). Anyway, I woke up in mission control to the sound of baby fussing coming from Graham’s monitor. It was just a gentle little whimper, so I figured he was just waking up a little hungry. I went upstairs and found him with his leg stuck through the crib slats up to his thigh and his head jammed into the corner of the crib! I don’t know how long he had been like that, but he was just laying there patiently waiting for me to help him out. I know if I were stuck like that you would hear not just gentle fussing but full-blown screaming. Graham, however, is just unusually GOOD.
He is so good that when he was first born I was reluctant to put him up in his nursery, because I didn’t think I’d hear him wake up to eat. What newborn do you know that doesn’t cry in the middle of the night? It’s not that Graham was sleeping all night… he would just wake up and move around a lot and breath heavy and MAYBE whimper for the first two weeks. He was right next to our bed those first weeks, yet Dan would sometimes wake up in the morning after a full night’s sleep and not even realize Graham had been up at all because he was so quiet. It was not until 3 or 4 weeks old that he actually discovered he could cry in the middle of the night to get my attention. If you are reading this thinking we got off easy, don’t worry… we definitely paid our dues with Cole, king of colic. This makes us all the more able to appreciate what a little angel Graham can be.
Graham is now so good that we can take him anywhere and everywhere. He is one of those delicious little babies at the Fall festival in the pumpkin hat, the kind that makes everyone else want to get pregnant. We’ve had so many outings recently because Grannie & Grandpa AND Oma & Opa came to town. Graham was packed up, carted all over town and then pushed for hours in the stroller or carried (when we could) all around the zoo, the farm, the airport, the state fair. Did he cry? No. Did he even whimper? Hardly. He just rode around behind his brother with his big angelic blue eyes wide open, checking it all out.

Good job, Graham! They don't make babies much better than you. May you be such an angelic toddler...
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