Wednesday, December 27, 2006

The Sounds of Frosting Holiday Cookies

Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas. Here’s a sample of the festivities at our house:

COLE: ‘Nother Cookie! "Geen!" Red!

ME: Hey Cole, Why don’t you try putting some frosting on the cookies instead of eating it all?

GRAHAM: Coo, Coo, Coo. (Reaching for the array of frosting and sprinkles.)

OPA: Graham wants to help. (Pushing Graham across the table to the bowel of bright green frosting.) Get in there, Graham.

AUNTIE NUSSY: (Handing Graham a knife loaded with frosting and holding up a cookie.) Frost the cookie, Gi-gi.

OPA: (laughs)

AUNTIE NUSSY: I went to a cookie-frosting party and everyone said MY cookies were the best!

ME: Nothing like these, though.

AUNTIE NUSSY: Look! This cookie has Graham’s big finger smear right down the middle.

OMA: Who gave Graham the knife? Oh no… he’s stuffing it down his throat. Oh no… he’s gagging himself. Take it away.

OPA: (laughs)

AUNTIE NUSSY: Graham loves squishing frosting between his fingers.

OPA: (laughs)

ME: Is frosting a dairy product? Graham’s not even supposed to have any dairy until age 1.

OMA: Well, there can’t be more than 20% dairy in there, because it’s mostly sugar.

ME: Oh, that’s much better.

OPA: (laughs)

ME: Whoa Cole, A whole box of sprinkles on one cookie? That’s beautiful. I’ve never seen anything like it before.

COLE: I did it! (Proudly displaying his cookie masterpiece.)

OPA: (laughs)

COLE: EAT! (Leaning over and planting his nose in a freshly frosted cookie.)

1 comment:

peppersnaps said...

I love it! :) So sad I won't be able to catch you on my way down this time... but I'll see you in March! Happy New Year!