Wednesday, January 31, 2007

After working Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 2pm-12am & then unsuspectingly showing up Friday morning to daycare

"Honey, why were the ladies in the infant room getting such a kick out of a picture of Gi-gi with a silly grin holding a $5 bill?"

"What did they tell you?"

"Something about you and strippers."

"Oh. Well… I showed up Tuesday night and told Graham it was just us boys for 3 nights and so Dada was gonna get them some strippers."

"Nice, honey. And the $5?"

"I gave it to him to stuff in the stippers' G-strings. At first I was going to hand him one-dollar bills, but that wasn’t enough for MY boy. The ladies thought it was hilarious and took a picture of him holding up the money."


"What did you say to the daycare ladies when you saw the picture?"

"I told them to keep Gi-gi away from sex, drugs and alcohol."

"What did they say?"

"Just say no, Gi-gi! Just say NO!"

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