And of course we had all the usual October festivities like Halloween
with cute costumes
and candy.
Our little Pooh (Graham) just made himself at home at each house he visited. He walked right in to each and every foyer and tried to keep going like he lived there. At one house he shut the door behind him, leaving me on the front porch with my two kids inside!
The boys are doing great. Graham is talking now: He'll say "Again!" when he wants a book repeated, "Bubble Bath," "Dora" & "Boots," and he surprised me with "Paci" the other day. Of course he says "Mama" and something resembling "Dada" (but sounding more like "Nana") and lots of others, including some colors. His favorite word by far, though, is "DOGGY"! He is a HUGE animal lover and squeals with glee when he gets to play with our two corgis, Savin and Winston. He has learned to give the sweetest little kisses on command, too. He's our sweet baby!
Cole is a pistol. He is getting more and more independent and he wants to do everything "all by myself." He loves to do anything he sees Dan or I doing... even housework! About a month ago he got put in time-out for misbehaving and he was PISSED about it. When Dan went to check on him, Cole was standing in time-out with a pouty little stance and looked up at him defiantly and snapped "DOUCHE BAG!" at Dan. Like father, like son. Since then Dan has curtailed his language around our little imitator.
I'm going to try to do a better job blogging their day-to-day memorable moments because the things they do and say are priceless.
So, those are the whirlwind highlights of the past 3 months... presented at the only pace appropriate for this family -- really, really FAST. I will say one thing, though...
It's NEVER boring!
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