Today was flu shot day for Mama, Cole and Graham. The boys had no idea what was in store for them. I told them we were going to the doctor's office to see the turtles and get a flu shot, and since they don't know that shots are painful, they were just excited about seeing the turtle tank in the pediatricians office.
I'm supposed to get my flu shot for free at work, but I decided it was worth it to pay $30 to get mine with them so they could watch me before they had to do it. "First Mama's gonna get her shot. Then Cole will get his, and then Gi-gi."
Cole ate it right up, since he loves to do everything that Mama and Dada do. So I stood there and got my needle and the damn thing HURT. (In fact, my arm is still burning and aching as I type this.) I smiled and said, "Oh, a little pinch," so they wouldn't be completely caught off guard that shots involve pain. Then I got my festive kiddie band-aid.
"Now it's my turn?" said Cole excitedly after watching the whole procedure.
Cole eagerly climbed up on the table and got all ready. I held his hands as she plunged the needle into his thigh and told him it might hurt and he could cry if he wanted, and damned if it didn't even seem to phase him. He just sat there and watched the needle go in, watched the band-aid go on, and then jumped off the table. Not one whimper or peep!
"Yay Cole!" He was soooo proud of himself.
Then little Graham, who wants to do everything Cole does, climbed right up on the table just as eagerly. And damned if he didn't even whimper once. I could tell it hurt, because he got a pissed off look on his face, but that was about it.
I looked at the nurse in disbelief, "Did they get the same shot I did?" She assured me they did. And, really, I don't understand how they weren't screaming in protest, because that shit was PAINFUL. Even the nurse remarked that it was really rare for kids not to cry. She was going to brag to her colleagues that she had just given two shot without tears!
And now it's my turn to brag: My sons are TOUGH. It really was amazing.
I was so impressed that I took them to the toystore immediately after and let them pick out two new toys. They earned it!
1 comment:
Shots are weird. I've had flu shots in the past that hurt a lot, and this year I honestly couldn't even feel it. (It was sore later, but the shot itself was like nothing.) I wonder if it has to do with where the needle goes in realtion to peripheral nerves?
Not to dimish your sons' toughness, of course!! :) Sometimes kids do have remarkable pain thresholds!
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