Monday, August 14, 2006


Cole had a little milestone this past weekend...
I went to work Sunday and left Dan with a sweet 19-month-old who only shook his head when he didn't want something, and I came home to vocal little protestor who had learned to say "NO." I'm not exactly pleased at this milestone. There was a reason he could say three-syllable words like blueberry and applesauce (even if they sound like "Boo-bay-ee" and "Ah-Sau") but not a simple one-syllable "no"... I was purposely trying to keep him from learning it. But yesterday my plans were foiled. Now he uses it indiscriminately, even after questions like "Cole, Do you want to sit with Dada?" and "Cole, Do you want to take a bath?" -- two of his favorite activities. Fortunately, for now, it's a short-lived protest, because 2 minutes later he'll happily jump into Dada's lap or the bathtub. Really, what is he supposed to say to "yes / no" questions when he hasn't learned "yes" yet? That will be our next project...

I'd like to note for posterity that I still think his little "no"s are very cute. We'll see how long that lasts...

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