We were lucky to get the any shots of Cole and Graham together, because Cole wanted nothing to do with his little brother during the photo shoot. Being a big brother, as far as he is concerned, means gently patting Graham on the head every once in a while, or proudly retrieving Graham's paci, burp cloth & doggy blankie from the baby swing and parading them over to me while I nurse him on the couch. But if Cole goes to crawl into my lap with one of his books and finds Graham already there he gets quite annoyed. One time Graham went so far as to kick Cole in the back when he brought a book into my lap, and Cole whined in protest and reached his little arm back and tried to push him away. And so it started...
Yesterday, at the photographer's request, we repeatedly deposited Graham into Cole's lap and Cole repeatedly screamed "No," pushed him off, got up and walked away. The one shot we have where there is actually brother-to-brother contact was snapped as quickly as possible immediately after putting them on their backs together on a bean bag, just as Cole was sliding away from Graham as fast as he could. Guess we need to practice brotherly love!
Now my count is 3 successes (with actual pictures purchased) out of 5 photo shoots attempted. The 2 failures were Cole at 6 weeks (too colicky to cooperate) and Cole at 1 year (just plain pissed-off that day).
Here are my 7 favorite shots from the latest successful shoot:

I love the shots! Those boys are two handsome sweethearts. Abby and Kara won't let them get too far . . . I see some great potential prom dates in them! The Simons boys are such heartbreakers already. Great job with picture day mom and dad. Cheese!
What happened to the dark haired baby?!!!! I can't believe how Graham has changed. They sure look like two handsome brothers now. Great pictures.
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