Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Opa's Song

I think I've listend to University of Michigan's fight song, The Victors, about 100 times in the last few weeks. This is "Opa's song" to Cole, since Opa is a die-hard Michigan fan. Cole is learning it in preparation for his return to The Big House for Michigan vs. Penn State this fall. He will sit in the back of the car and yell "Opa's Song" over and over, as I play it ad nauseum from my ipod.

Sometimes he mixes it up and yells "Mama's song," at which point I play My Wish. Sometimes he yells "Dada's song," at which point I play Higher. But his favorite is "Opa's Song." Now he will yell "Hail! Hail!" both when it plays and sometimes randomly when the song is not even on. I think we might have a future Wolverine on our hands!

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